Density: Hempcrete has a density of 275kg/m3.
Flexural Strength: The flexural strength of hempcrete is 0.3-0.4 N/mm2.
Thermal Conductivity: The thermal conductivity of hempcrete is λ=0.06W/m.K, which means it has good insulation properties and can help reduce heating and cooling costs.
Heat Capacity: The heat capacity of hempcrete is 1500-1700 J/kg, which means it can store and release heat efficiently, helping to regulate temperature inside the building.
Mean Acoustic Absorption Coefficient: Hempcrete has a mean acoustic absorption coefficient of 0.69 NRC, which means it can help reduce noise pollution inside the building.
Air Permeability: The air permeability of hempcrete is 0.75 gm/m2/mm hg, which means it can help maintain good indoor air quality and reduce the risk of mold and moisture problems.
Vapour Permeability: The vapour permeability of hempcrete is 24.2 gm/m2/mm hg, which means it can help regulate humidity levels inside the building and reduce the risk of condensation.
μ Vapour Diffusion Resistance: The μ vapour diffusion resistance of hempcrete is 4.84, which means it has good moisture management properties.
Fire Rating: Hempcrete has a fire rating of 1 hour according to BS EN 1365-1:1999, which means it has good fire resistance properties.
Carbon Capture: Hempcrete can capture up to 130kg CO2/m3, which means it has good environmental sustainability properties.
Airtightness: Hempcrete has a low airtightness of <2m3/, which means it can help reduce air leakage and improve energy efficiency.
Overall, these facts and figures demonstrate that hempcrete is a versatile and sustainable building material with many benefits for both the environment and building occupants.