Neil and Carol, a retired couple from rural Victoria, have embarked on a passionate journey towards sustainable living by building their final home using hempcrete. As former foster carers, they have spent their lives nurturing and caring for children, and now they are building a home that will nurture them in their golden years.
Hempcrete is an eco-friendly building material made from the inner woody core of the hemp plant, mixed with a lime-based binder. It is renewable, non-toxic, and has excellent thermal insulation properties, making it an ideal material for sustainable construction. Neil and Carol have chosen to build their 400m2 home using hempcrete, not only because of its environmental benefits but also because they can do it themselves.
Their enthusiasm and passion for the project are evident, they have completed a third of the build so far, and their goal is to finish the entire construction on their own or with The house will have all the amenities and space required for them to age comfortably, including a large veranda, a carport, and a spacious living area.
Neil and Carol's decision to use hempcrete for their home is a testament to their commitment to sustainable living. By using this eco-friendly material, they are reducing their carbon footprint and creating a healthier and more comfortable living environment. They believe that every person can contribute to a greener future, and their actions inspire others to follow their lead.
Neil and Carol's journey towards building a sustainable home using hempcrete is a testament to their passion and commitment to the environment. Their project is a shining example of how ordinary people can make a difference by choosing eco-friendly alternatives and taking action towards a greener future.
Our project is coming along nicely. We have had help from many people along the journey. We are both so excited about living in such an awesome house.